Using BBC microbit with Kindle Fire

The black wire is an OTG lead, it makes the Kindle Fire look like a computer to the microbit

Use the Internet (Silk Browser) to write the program in the block editor

Click the down arrow in the bottom left hand corner and wait for activity to finish

The “Download completed” message appears

Now click “Files” …

… and navigate to Downloads where you should be able to see your file

A long press on the file will select it

After clicking the triple dots in the top right hand corner select “Move to”

Navigate to the microbit

Click “Move” and the light on the back of the microbit will begin to flicker

Drag the system menu down from the top of the screen and eject the microbit

The program should now run when you connect power to the microbit

Footnote: The microbit was version 1.* and initially the Kindle Fire would not recognise it. Investigation revealed that it had Interface 0249 and Bootloader 0243. Success was achieved by upgrading the firmware to version 0253 from the download on the following page:

Please note that you do this at your own risk!